Interactive Realtime

Interactive realtime allows you to view testimony on your laptop computer as it is spoken. As this rough draft appears on your computer, you can make notes and annotations in preparation for follow-up examination or for transcript summary. Longhand notetaking becomes a thing of the past, as a simple tap on the spacebar allows you to highlight portions of the realtime text for later reference.

Interactive realtime showcases the exceptional quality of FAB reporters. The quality of the simultaneous realtime feed from FAB reporters is unmatched. FAB reporters include participants, placers and winners in the National Court Reporters Association’s Speed and Realtime contests, authors of realtime technical manuals, designers and presenters of realtime workshops, and providers of realtime translation for deaf and hard-of-hearing university students.

FAB reporters speak your language. Because of their high degree of comprehension of specialized subject matter, they are able to penetrate the dense linguistic thickets of biotechnology, software, and a host of other fields, to provide an outstanding realtime feed directly to your computer screen, no matter how difficult the testimony. When you call on FAB reporters for a realtime deposition or hearing, you can be certain we’re up to the task.

When the deposition realtime text is sent over the Internet, with or without the audio and/or video, it is referred to as streaming. A recipient can view the stream through a program on the recipient’s computer or through a Web browser. This Internet realtime service has many possible solutions. Give us a call, and we will walk you through the maze of products and services.